Monday, December 20, 2010


Hi everyone, so it's been a long time since i've posted. Yes i am getting lazy big time.
But let's get to the point. Canadian winters are awfully cold and my tna jacket really isn't going to cut it this season.
I asked around for suggestions on a jacket but everyone gives me CANADA GOOSE. To be honest, i'm not looking to join the goose army. So then i heard about this new brand.. well more recent brand called "Moose Knuckles" they have down jackets that are just as stylish as a CG if not, better. The only problem, it's $200 more expensive as well.
So after a long time of searching i've finally gotten one since all the other stores were sold out.
The bomber i got was xs black debbie bomber with white fur.
Real cute jacket, and very warm too. I walked downtown with just a tubetop and the jacket and it was warm!
Here are some pictures =] (sorry for the crap pictures it was taken on my bb. and sorry for the bad location and the dirty mirror!)
oh and i payed $600 flat for the jacket. BNWT. at a store downtown by the Eaton Centre called Ugly Dukling.

jacket unzipped front

side view

zipped with hood up

so what are my thoughts on it? well pretty much I am satisfied, it keeps it warm but for the price.. not all that worth it. a goose could have given the same warmth, but if you want to pay the extra $200 for a more unique jacket and to stand out then yes, go for it!~